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Betty in 2014 – evolution of a transvestite

By Betty Jašková, March 2, 2014, 11:01, Reflections

It has been 5 years since I started my blog and many things have changed. Those who don't know me may wonder what has changed.. Even close may not really know what happened in my life. The following post is a recap of what I've gone through for the last 5 years. No, it is not a pure public exhibition but rather an attempt to unburden my mind and feelings and maybe help others with similar problems. Read the whole article »

About me

By Betty Jašková, February 7, 2008, 2:01, Reflections

I‘m a transvestite. I’m just like any other guy, with the exception sometimes I look / dress up as a woman. Some of you may know what a word “transvestite” means, some don’t. Transvestite is a person who dresses up like a person of opposite gender. I don’t consider myself to be a weirdo, I already accepted this part of me and try to live with it, overcoming the obstacles of bourgeoisie society we live in. Bourgeoisie society that judges without knowing me.

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Welcome to my blog

By Betty Jašková, February 7, 2008, 2:00, Reflections

Finally I have decided to create my own website. After messing around with the design and management system I managed to finish it and I hope you will like it. Why did I start it? So you can see world through my eyes 🙂 I want to present my opinions on themes that are connected to me (transvestism, fashion), as well as general themes like tolerance and freedom in society, psychology, etc. One of my goals is t help other people in transgender community, mainly those who are at the start of their path and need some advice. Read the whole article »